Leeds United's plans for major development around Elland Road given support

Development potential outside Elland Road. PIC: Tim Goode/PA WireDevelopment potential outside Elland Road. PIC: Tim Goode/PA Wire
Development potential outside Elland Road. PIC: Tim Goode/PA Wire
The deputy leader of Leeds City Council has promised to support Leeds United's plans for major redevelopment of the land around Elland Road following Andrea Radrizzani's purchase of the club's stadium.

James Lewis, the Labour councillor for Kippax and Methley, said the authority was ready to back Radrizzani’s aim of revamping the Elland Road site after a series of discussions with United’s new owner.

Radrizzani marked his recent takeover of Leeds by completing the repurchase of Elland Road for around £20m on Wednesday, 13 years after the ground was sold to private owners.

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